[FIX] Reconnect Task Lists to Project Plans

Have you ever tried to play around with the task list in the Project (SharePoint) Site? If yes, you have probably experienced what most others have, loosing the connection to you project plan.


You have deleted or added a new Task list in a SharePoint Project Site and the new Task list is not connected to your project plan. This is the case even though all synchronizations to the site have been enabled. You have tried almost everything from deleting the site, starting all over with new templates etc.

Solution – simply follow these steps and you are up and running in no time.

Step 1

Ensure you task list is not connected – in the below example you will notice it quickly as the header “This project can only be edited in Project Web App” is missing.

Step 2

Go to PWA Settings and click on “Connected SharePoint Sites”.

Step 3

Find you project and notice the Task List is blank. This is the real problem you have to solve. Click on the project name to get to the settings area.

Step 4

Now unlink the SharePoint Site from the project (copy the site URL as you will need to paste it back in a few seconds).

After a few seconds the project row now looks blank on all site details:

Step 5

Go back to the settings area by clicking on the project name again. This time choose to reconnect to the SharePoint site by pasting in the site address you just copied before. Hit “OK”.

Step 6

Validate that your project is now connected to both the site but more importantly you Task List.

Step 7

Go back to the Project Site and the “New task list” is now connected to a project, and will receive the information on the next “publish” done by the Project Manager.

I hope this post will help a lot of Project Online admins out there – enjoy!



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